Natalia Latyszonek (they/them) is a queer Kundalini Yoga practitioner, visual artist, plant lover, adventure oriented human of mixed heritage. Practicing Kundalini since 2012, and training as a teacher during lockdown of 2020, this practice has played an integral part in growing towards the life they want to create. Classes combine asana and pranayama to bring our mind-body-spirit into cohesion and into a place that allow for meditative states. They cite adrienne maree brown and Alok V Menon as inspirations with visionary works 'Pleasure Activism', 'Emergent Strategy' and 'Beyond the Gender Binary' respectively.
Born and raised in Buckinghamshire, UK to second generation Indian and Polish immigrants, their rural environment fostered a deep love and reverence for nature and for their more than human kin. Carrying an awareness of plant magic, astrology and sacred sexuality as threads that weave through their personal practice.
They see their classes as an extension of the ritual they bring to life. Communing with the world through embodied ritual and ceremonial honouring. Creating moments of softness, togetherness and a beauty of stillness that steeps us in presence and awareness of our states of being.
“I hold space for coming into the body, for becoming aware of the mind, and for coming closer to stillness, to spiritual connection, and to knowing ourselves as elements of the divine.
We can create space for ourselves within the day to day, in small moments, to come into deeper listening. To be with ourselves. From these spaces where the nervous system is at rest we are able to find the space to dream, to move towards new possibilities and ways of being- to bring through the world we want to see.”
Their vision for the future is one based on care, reciprocity with the earth and the humility to know that we are always the students.